You Can Lose Weight and Eat Out!

Previously, I emphasized that eating at home is an easy way to help you lose weight.

So, now I will give you some great tips for when you do need to eat out.

You have heard the old saying, “People do not plan to fail, they fail to plan.” As you’re working towards making those small daily changes that lead to long-lasting healthy habits, you will still need to live your life. That means it is unrealistic to avoid social gatherings, restaurants, or other activities because you are fearful of unhealthy choices sabotaging your weight loss.

Eating out shouldn’t stress you out. Sometimes you must eat out because of travel, hectic schedules or maybe you just hate to cook.

Here are some practical, simple to follow, and easy-to-incorporate lifestyle tips.

Tips for Eating Out

  1.  Look at restaurants’ online menus first and make choices ahead of time. Make your choice before you arrive at the restaurant.
  2. Drink water before your meal.
  3. Don’t be afraid to ask for things that are not shown on the menu. Often you can create your own meals if you see some of the ingredients on the menu. Don’t be afraid to ask for healthier substitutions.
  4. Be salad savvy, pile on fresh greens beans and veggies but don’t drown it with high-fat dressings or toppings like cheese, bacon or croutons. Pick healthier dressings (olive oil and vinegar, even a generous squeeze of lemon).
    Ask for dressings on the side and dip your fork into the dressing before taking a bite of salad.
  5. Don’t wear elastic waist pants! 😊

You can’t avoid going out to eat, so it is about eating certain foods in moderation, substituting one type of food for another, and making smarter choices – such as adding good fats, vegetables, or protein – to lower the glycemic impact of a meal.

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