Simple food tracking to lose weight now

Here is the first in my series of time-tested tools to lose your extra weight.

If you prefer the video method go to my instagram.

Many of us who struggle with weight look for quick solutions.  There have been many quick ways to lose a few extra pounds that later had uncomfortable or serious health side effects.

I understand the desire to get on with it, but the first step is to slow down and examine what you actually eat for a week, 4 days at minimum.  The best method for this is to write it down somewhere, on paper, in the notes section of your phone, use an app, or take a picture of everything, and I mean everything! Including the little snacks on the go, while you watch the game or your shows.

The advantage of this start is you get to see what you are consuming.  It helps to find out where you eat, what you eat and the amount you eat.  I tend to forget the snacks I ate and if I had seconds at dinner! That is why tracking is so important.

Studies have shown that just by tracking your food some people lose weight!!

Wouldn’t that be a great start?

We know “what we should do” to lose weight but the actual doing is the hard part. When we pay attention to something our knowledge helps guide our actions. It is the autopilot that gets us into trouble.

Habits can take anywhere from 3 weeks to 9 months to become ingrained.  Patience is the key to being consistent. If you forget one meal, laugh, and move on, this is not to make you feel shame or frustrated.

I have a free tracking sheet if you want to see the basic information to track.

Let me know if you would like the free tracking sheet.

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